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21/3/21 Fire and Ice by Robert Frost Analysis A kind client asked of me, to analyse this poem for all thee to hear The poem reads Fire and Ice Some say the world will end in fire Some say in ice From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favour fire But if it had to perish twiceFire and Ice Summary – Robert Frost's poem "Fire and Ice" is a strong symbolic poem where the fire is used as the emotion of desire and ice, that of hatred He has used the idea of two groups who have their own possible explanation for the end of the worldSome people think that the world will end in fire Others say that it will end in ice b The poet thinks it right that the world will end in fire c Here, 'desire' means man's passions and violence d The poem is 'Fire and Ice' and the poet is 'Robert Frost' 2

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Clair de Lune is one of those pieces It's full of rich, complicated harmonies, with a simple, yet beautiful melody weaving it all together I love Debussy in general; Rhythm in the Debussy Clair de Lune The first beat in the Debussy Clair de Lune is a rest, followed by a note deep in the bass and then an alto third This first measure leads us to expect a beat of two rather than three, says concert pianist and scholar Paul Roberts in Images The Piano Music of Claude Debussy (Amadeus Press

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