There are two distinct phases to S&OP 1) process design, and 2) process conduct In the design phase, all of the technical workings are engineered, and in the conduct phase S&OP is used as a business management process The following 10 steps describe how to go about these two phases Steps 15 are design and steps 610 are conduct 1 Decide to do it This seems quite obvious,Sales and operations planning (S&OP) is an integrated business management process through which the executive/leadership team continually achieves focus, alignment and synchronization among all functions of the organizationThe S&OP process includes an updated forecast that leads to a sales plan, production plan, inventory plan, customer lead time (backlog) plan, new productTime Horizons The S&OP planning horizon is typically in the range of 12 – 24 months, but this can differ depending on specific circumstances
S Op Implementation Roadmap
Sop process map